PLAYLIST - 26/05/2005

EMISSÃO N. º 100

IRON MAIDEN - The Number Of The Beast / The Number Of The Beast
JAMES LABRIE - Elements Of Persuasion / Crucify
SEVEN WITCHES - Year Of The Witch / Metal Asylum
FALL OF A SEASON (1) - Decades In a Bleeding World / Agony Of A Broken Boy
GIGANTOR - G7! / Trip To Mars
PRIMAL FEAR - Primal Fear / Nine Lives
NIGHTWISH - Over The Hills And Far Away / The Kinslayer (live)
GRAVE FLOWERS - Incarcerated Sorrows / At Night
GOTTHARD (1) - Lipservice / All We Are
SLOUG FEG - Atavism / I Will Kill You/You Will Die
BRAINSTORM (4) - Liquid Monster / Heavenly
DEATH - Symbolic / 1,000 Eyes

LABYRINTH - Return To Heaven Denied / Thunder
ROB ROCK - Holy Hell / Calling Angels
BLACK LABEL SOCIETY - Mafia / Suicide Messiah
EVERGREY - A Night To Remember / More Than Ever
BELPHEGOR - Goatreich-Fleshcult / Bleeding Salvation
TESTAMENT - Low / Legions (In Hiding)
BISS - Face-Off / Calling
SHAMAN (2) - Reason / Turn Away
SHAMAN (2) - Reason / Innocence
PARADISE LOST - Reflection / The Last Time
SOCIETY 1 - The Sound That Ends Creation / Let Me Live
COMMUNIC - Conspiracy In Mind / History Reversed
PITCH BLACK - Trash Killing Machine / Break Point


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