Metal Morfose Radio Show - 10/11/2020
Para esta emissão do Metal Morfose Radio Show poderão ouvir em destaque os nacionais ThrashWall, Sollust e ainda os suecos Sarcator. Para além dos destaques, as duas horas serão recheadas de grandes malhas, com algumas novidades como Elvenscroll, Worthless ou Viking Queen.
Thrashwall - Thrashwall - World Domination
Thrashwall - Thrashwall - Insanity Alert
Buried Realm - Embodiment of the Divine - Scales of Queen Dragon
Starbynary - Divina Commedia: Paradiso - Venus
Witchskull - A Driftwood Cross - Baphomet's Child
Skeletal Remains - The Entombment Of Chaos - Torturous Ways Of Obliteration
Viking Queen - Hammer of the Gods - Hammer of the Gods
Demise of The Crown - Life In The City - Dying Heat
Sarcator - Sarcator - Midnight Witchery
Skeleton Pit - Lust To Lynch - Plague Of Violence
Sarcator - Sarcator - The Hour Of Torment
Vanishing In Point - Dead Elysium - The Fall
Xaemora - At Dusk Of Existence - At Dusk Of Existence
Enslaved - Homebound - Utgard
Sollust - (In)Versus - Beyond the Void
Sollust - (In)Versus - Amnesia
Dormanth - Complete Downfall - Beyond the Gates
Elvenscroll - Never To Be Mourned - Statue of Goddess
Die For A Reason - A Reason to Die For - No Bounds
Dead End Finland - Inter - VivosIn Memoriam
The Blood Divine - Awaken - Wilderness
Worthless - Melancholic Rites - Melancholia Metamorphosis
Shores Of Null - Beyond the Shores (on Death and Dying) - Beyond the Shores (on Death and Dying)
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