Metal Morfose Radio Show - 02-01-2021

Nawabs of Destruction - Rising Vengeance - Rising Vengeance
Descend - The Deviant - Blodd Moon
ThrashWall - ThrashWall - Mental Destruction
Buried Realm - Embodiment of The Divine - Master Psychosis
Perdition Sect - End Times -  Contagion Of Necessity
Hadal - December - Without a Word
Stass - Songs Of Flesh And Decay - Hatchet lover
Dira Mortis - Ancient Breath Of Forgotten Misanthropy - Twilight Of Divine Purgatory
Dira Mortis - Ancient Breath Of Forgotten Misanthropy - Ancient Breath Of Forgotten Misanthropy
WinterMoonShade - WinterMoonShade - Legends & Myst
Dallian - Automata - As Within, So Without
Communic - Hiding From The World - My Temple of Pride
Injector - Hunt of the Rawhead - Feed The Monster
Testament - Dark Roots Of Earth - Rise Up
Constantine - Aftermath - War and Rain
Sardonic Witchery - Moonlight Sacrifice Ritual - Licantropia
Toxaemia - Where Paths Divide - Black Death
Ordinul Negru - Nebuisa - Vodevil Isais
Act Of Creation - The Uncertain Light - Break New Ground
Act Of Creation - The Uncertain Light - State of Agony
Zurrapa - Zurrapa Som Sistema - Putas, Vinho e Rock 'n' Roll



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