Metal Morfose Radio Show 13-03-2021

Hevilan - Symphony of Good and Evil - dark Paradise
Lyfordeath - Heritage - Heritage (single)
Morbid Death - Oxygen - To Escape
Dvne - Etemen Aenka - Enuma Elis New Main Master
Shredding Extravaganza - José Sousa - Red Horse
Hellrider - The Devil Is A Gamble - Hellrider
Golgotha - Remembering the Past, Writing the Future - I Am Lost
Witherfall - Curse Of Autumn - The Last Scar
Witherfall - Curse Of Autumn - Another Face
Illusory - Crimson Wreath - Immortal No
Coffin Mulch - Septic Funeral - Septic Funeral
Heretic Warfare - Hell on Earth - Mass Murder Monument
Endezzma - The Archer, Fjord and the Thunder - Garden Ov Heathen
Sonneillo BM - Cadere et Resurgere - Secrets of Existence and Chaos
Infernal Thorns - Inflicting Ravage to the Holy Cattle - Sacrilege
FØG -  la Niebla de las Animas - El Silencio de tu Condena
Blessed by Perversion - Remnants of Existence - Among the Tombs of Absent Gods
Blessed by Perversion - Remnants of Existence - Gallery of Bones
Entombed - Left Hand Path - Left Hand Path
Entombed - Clandestine - Living Dead
Terrordome - Straight Outta Smogtown - Desordem e Regresso
Ensanguinate - Entranced by Decay - Hunted



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ENTREVISTA - Corpus Christii