Metal Morfose Radio Show - 03-04-2021

Cruz de Ferro - Leão dos Mares - A Nau dos Loucos
Palha d' Aço - Juizo de Valor - Geringonça
Ulthima - Symphony Of The Night - Belegar
Burning Witches - The Witch Of The North - Flight Of The Valkyries
Almanac - Kingdom Of The Blind - Kingdom Of The Blind (single)
ROD1313 - Dark Clouds - Dark Clouds
Dark The Suns  Suru Raivosi Sydämeni Pimeydessä - Seeker
Dark The Suns  Suru Raivosi Sydämeni Pimeydessä - Storm of Fire
Los Males Del Mundo -  Descent Towards Death - Nothing but a Lie
Rotten Coffin - Suffering, Chaos and Death - Era of Horror
The Crown - Royal Destroyer - Scandinavian Satan
Vøidwomb - Altars of Cosmic Devotion - Descent to Ersetu
Throne - Pestilent Dawn - Born Of Death
Fulci - Opening the Hell Gates - AmongThe Walking Dead
Cryptosis - Bionic Swarm - Transcendence
Ildaruni - Beyond Unseen Gateways - Perpetual Vigil
Bestia Ater -  Anno Bestia Chrysallis - Haures
Disowing - Human Cattle - Inner Emptiness
Kryptic Mutation - Pulled From the Pit - Brain Splatter
Grunt - Discipline - A Valsa Libitina
Ensanguinate - Entranced by Decay - Hunted
Perennial Isolation - Portaits - Through Fire Upon Fire
Fear Factory - Soul Of A New Machine - Martyr
Åskog - Varþnaþer - Svält



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ENTREVISTA - Corpus Christii