Metal Morfose Radio Show 22-05-2021

Gaerea - Limbo - Glare
Apotheus - The Far Star - Resolve to Remake
Subterranean Masquerade - Mountain Fever - Somewhere I Sadly Belong
Switchblade Jesus - Death Hymns - Red Plains
Avaland - Theater of Sorcery - Holy Kingdom of Fools
Witch Hunt  - Rock n´Roll Possession - Margaret
Roadwolf - Unchain the Wolf - M.I.A.
Vulture - Dealin' Death - Flee The Phantom
Vulture - Dealin' Death - Dealin' Death 
Korzus - You Can’t Stop Me (single)
Oldskull - Nether Hollow of No Return - Spectral Congregation
Drawn and Quartered - Congregation Pestilence - Oblivion Pilgrimage
Decayed - Old Ghosts and Primeval Demons - Damned Souls Intro
Decayed - Old Ghosts and Primeval Demons - Rise Of The Undead
A Forest of Dreams - Quando a Morte Chama por Nõs - Flagellvm
Cães de Guerra - Cabras, Cães _ Leite de Bode - Pandemia
Portal do Inferno - Portal do Inferno - A Passagem
The Asence - Coffinized - Coffinized 
This Ending - Needles of Rust - Annihilate
Trauma - Acrimony - The Godless Abyss
Mother of All - Age of the Solipsist - Curators of Our World Scope
Primal Creation - News Feed - Please Disperse
Primal Creation - News Feed - Antillectual Disease
Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes - Magic And Mayhem



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