Metal Morfose Radio Show 26-07-2021

At The Gates - The Nightmare Of Being - The Abstract Enthroned
The Absence - Coffinized - Coffinized
This Ending - Needles of Rust - Eclipse of the Dead
March In Arms - Pulse Of The Daring - 1914
Rage And Fire - 1986 + 35 - Black Wind
Reinforcer - Prince Of The Tribes - Black Sails
Nightshadow - Strike Them Dead - Legend
Space Chaser - Give Us Life - The Immortals
Space Chaser - Give Us Life - Burn Them All
Amnessia Eterna - Malditos - En Busca
Maze of Terror - Offer to the Fucking Beasts - Death by Fire
Apostolica - Haeretica Ecclesia - Sanctus Spiritus
Solveig - Way Of The Sun - Vaccum
Solveig - Way Of The Sun - Way Of The Sun
Biolence - Enslaved, Deplete, Destroy - Nuclear Winter
A Forest of Dreams - Quando a Morte Chama por Nós - Flagellvm
Thyrfing - Vanagandr - Fredlös
Thyrfing - Vanagandr - Träldomsord
Toxic Ruin - Nightmare Eclipse - Divine Acclimation
Kreator - Endless Pain - Endless Pain
Kreator - Pleasure To Kill - Choir of the Damned / Ripping Corpse
Aexylium - The Fifth Season - The Bridge
Ulthima - Symphony Of The Night - Eternity



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