Metal Morfose Radio Show 22-01-2022

Paradise In Flames- Act One - Bringer of Disease
Adarrak - Adarrak - Ex Oriente Lux - Bereft
Can Bardd - Devoured By The Oak - Autumn Shore
Venomous Breath - Svb Vmbra Occvtorvm - Under the Sign of the Whip
Apparition - Feel - Unequilibrium
Sorcerer - Reverence - Waiting For Darkness
Saratoga - XXX - A sangre y fuego
Tarantula - Thunder Tunes From Lusitania - Storm
Inhuman - Contra - Na Morte, Um Augúrio
Dark Oath - When Fire Engulfs the Earth - Land Of Ours
Xeque Mate - Em nome do Pai, do Filho e do Rock N Roll - Filhos do Metal
Invoke - Deo Ignoto - Ira
Invoke - Deo Ignoto - Pacto de Sangue
Destruction - The Curse Of The Antichrist - Live In Agony - Metal Discharge
Kreator - Phantom Antichrist - Phantom Antichrist
Crimson Fire - Another Dimension - No Fear
Savage Grace - After The Fall From Grace - Age of Innocence
Savage Grace - After The Fall From Grace - We March On
Ilium - Quantum Evolution Event - Quantum Evolution Event
Atra Haeresis - Pretium - Pretium
Atra Haeresis - Pretium - The Sacred Games
Rotten Coffin - Suffering, Chaos and Death - Humanity = Gone

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ENTREVISTA - Corpus Christii