Metal Morfose Radio Show 29-02-2022

Amorphis - Halo - The Wolf
Kreator - Hate Ueber Alles - Hate Ueber Alles
Voivod - Synchro Anarchy - Sleeves Off 
Unanimated - Victory In Blood - The Devil Rides Out
Incrypt - Thrashing Extinction - Thrashing Extinction
Fall of Stasis - The Chronophagist
Whales Don t Fly - The Golden Sea - Mountain Peak
Whales Don t Fly - The Golden Sea - Blossom in the Dark
ThrashWall - ThrashWall - Mental Destruction
Sepultura - Arise (Expanded Edition) - Orgasmatron (Live In Barcelona 1991)
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum - Illusions of Life
Therion - Symphony Masses: Ho Drakon Ho Megas - Dark Princess Naamah
Nihility - Beyond Human Concepts - Confliting Vanities
Invoke - Deo Ignoto - Irmandade da Guerra
Serrabulho - Porntugal [Portuguese Vagitarian Gastronomy] - Ela Fez-me um Grão de Bico
Oratory - Beyond Earth  Beyond Earth
Napalm Death - Resentment is Always Seismic - Resentment Always Simmers
Napalm Death - Resentment is Always Seismic - By Proxy 
Nervochaos - All Colors Of Darkness - Beyond The Astral
Creeping Death - ...And Then the Bombs Cam - Decrowned
Desolate Shrine - Fires Of The Dying World - Echoes in the Halls of Vanity
Last Piss Before Death - Last Piss Before Death - Testless Void
Last Piss Before Death - Last Piss Before Death - The Circle
WinterMoonShade - Eternal Haunted Shores - Lusitania Might Noises
Glasya - Attarghan - Retaliation


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ENTREVISTA - Corpus Christii